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Science Class Resources



In my classroom, I set clear learning goals for my students. My goal is to help all students to maximize their academic growth--build on their strengths, and work on their weaknesses. 


Assessment is my way of following students progress toward their goals, providing clear feedback for improvement, and then providing appropriate support to help students reach their goals.


Assessment in my classroom can take the form of an informal class activity, or  a more formal project or test.


Assessment in the field can take the form of quizzes on the trail, or informal 

conversations about what we see or experience.


I use Standards Based Grading in my class.  This a grading system adopted by the Beaverton School District.


(See Beaverton's description of the grading scale below.)








As part of this grading system, I use proficiency based grading system.


(To learn more about proficiency grading click the button below.) 











I use the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) to set learning goals in my classroom.


(Check out the website below to learn more about NGSS.)









I use a Growth Mindset philosophy in my classroom.



Grades can be a stressful part of school. In my classroom, I emphasize that learning is a process. It involves confronting challenges, practicing skills, and understanding that everyone will make mistakes. Those challenges and mistakes help students improve and grow.  All students are capable of growing and mastering school work. Grades are a snapshot of performance.  They do not determine how smart a student is, or what they can achieve in the future.  If a student needs to improve a grade, I will work with both the student and his or her parents to formulate a plan for improvement.


(Curious about Growth Mindset philosophy? Click the link below to learn more.)




What does assessment and grading look like in Ms. Anderson's Class?

Students will have homework.


Homework gives students valuable opportunities to practice what they are learning in class. Homework helps students learn how to be accountable for their own learning.   Homework will not be scored for accuracy, but homework completion will contribute to a portion of their class behavior grade.


Students will have projects, labs, and tests.


These activities will make up the majority of a student's grade. They will be assessed in combination to determine a student's grade.  Students will be given the opportunity to retake unit tests if they would like to improve their grade.


Students will be active participants in class and in the community.


Science is about doing.  In my class we will be learning how to be scientists by asking questions, making observations, analyzing information, communicating results, and engaging in discussion. This requires students to be focused and actively involved in class. Students will also participate in field trips and service projects. 


Students will have access to additional support.


I am dedicated to helping your student succeed in my class.  I look forward to working with parents to gain insights about how to help your student reach his or her goals.  I will be availible to students to ask questions, get assistance on homework or projects, or retake a test. I can also direct students to additional supports provided at school.



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